Servers’ Guild

Those young people who are confirmed and in year 6 or above are eligible to join our Servers' Guild. Servers beautify Eucharistic worship by various liturgical actions, such as processing with a cross or candles, bearing the Book of the Gospels, setting up the Holy Table for the Eucharist, and on a few feast days each year by censing the chancel. Being a Server is an ancient and dignified role which is taken seriously and often found very rewarding. Serving underlies how our worship on earth reflects and participates in a spiritual reality in heaven, where we are gathered by the Holy Spirit to the presence of Christ.

Our Servers' Guild meets for top-up training, for reflection on the significance of serving, and for socials to enjoy one another's company and to reward the young people's discipline and commitment.

If you'd like to train to become a Server, please speak to the vicar or to the Youth & Children's Leader.